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Our home is located in California by the beautiful Monterey Bay. Both my husband Steve and I fell in love with the breed years ago while on a family trip to Canada. Key to us was their beautiful, loving temperament and their majesty while in repose. In 2005, we purchased our first Bernese Mountain Dog, Jura. Her name (which later became our kennel name) was derived from the beautiful Jura Mountain range that runs through Switzerland, homeland of the Bernese Mountain Dog. We had no clue as to the beautiful impact she would have on our lives, nor the lovely offspring she would one day provide us!

During this journey together, we began to research more about this fabulous breed and their possible health problems. We committed to be influential and supportive in breeding sound offspring, so we spend many hours researching pedigrees and health of potential mates to compliment our small breeding program. Our breeding stock passes extensive health testing before they are considered for breeding and all are entered in our National database, Berner-Garde. We comply with the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America breeding protocols to be a partner in making wise breeding choices for future BMD health and longevity and to make a positive impact for this beautiful breed.

Breeder-of-merit-website-badgeOur goals continue. Breed healthy, happy Bernese Mountain Dogs with sound temperament and movement to excel with confidence in conformation and all working dog areas. This of course includes, maintaining their joyful disposition and easy going Berner attitude to sit on your feet and smile!!!

Thank you for visiting our website.

Kim and Steve McIntyre